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Hindi-English > ऐसे वर्ग या वर्णन के आयुध

ऐसे वर्ग या वर्णन के आयुध in English

pronunciation: [ aise varga ya varnan ke ayudh ]  sound:  

arms of such class or description
ऐसे    so talia
वर्ग    social class set portfolio order nature lot
या    OR either whether
वर्णन    account representation speech statement subject
के    K beyond between disentitle except from OF
आयुध    weapon hardware armament master general of

What is the meaning of ऐसे वर्ग या वर्णन के आयुध in English and how to say aise varga ya varnan ke ayudh in English? ऐसे वर्ग या वर्णन के आयुध English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.